Schedule For Release.

I'll just make this post short and simple.

I don't have much to show for today as much of my work was done spriting and scripting the Anima rather than QoL stuff, and since I don't want to spoil the entire game before it's even released, then you all will just have to wait until it's released.

So for the release schedule I plan on making it similar to Toby Fox's Deltarune or Amethyst Liddell's Reborn. Which is to the uninitiated a chapter-by-chapter release of the game rather than one whole release. The purpose here is that I want live feedback to how the game is going before it's fully released as you can't really gauge much of what's going on with solely closed testing. Plus, I want to grow the community here and from what I've seen with those two games that's likely the best approach for it since I'm making a game relatively similar to them, genre-wise that is.

I'm structuring the game in a chapter-by-chapter scenario where there will be a prologue, a chapter for each of the twenty Elemental Masters, and then a final chapter that completely seals the game, alongside the post-game.

Since it takes a long time to sprite and script, for the first release I'm just adding 340 Anima and 5 Elemental Masters. Afterwards the content should be trickling in at a +30 Anima and + 1 Elemental Master rate per Chapter. Do note that the first demo is just for gameplay essentials so things like SFX and animations will be full of placeholders.

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